Wood Lane Primary School's

Home School Agreement 

“Be the best version of yourself”


Mission, Aims and Values at Wood Lane Primary

Mission- Our Promise

Wood Lane Primary School is a community of learners where everyone can be successful. We aim to provide an intellectually challenging learning experience from which all pupils can benefit. This school is devoted to raising children’s expectations and aspirations.

Our principal objective is for each pupil to develop a deep interest in, and love for, learning and for them to 'be the best version of themselves'.  Pupils will be taught to apply this learning to the everyday world around them.

Our goal is for pupils to become self-motivated, independent learners with a wide range of generic study skills that will prove useful to them throughout their lives. Whilst engaged in this process we also want them to have fun, to enjoy their childhood.

We seek to make a real difference to children’s lives by providing them with the skills they will require to be successful, both now, as children, and in the future. The curriculum we offer is designed to prepare them for life and work in the twenty-first century.

We are committed to children leaving this school having achieved high standards in the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.

In addition, we wish to inspire them by offering an exciting, broad, dynamic, and varied curriculum experience that embraces the arts, music and sport.


Wood Lane Primary is a community of learners where everyone can be successful and strive to continually improve on their personal best, by 'being the best version of themselves'.

Responsibility of the School

  • treat all children fairly, care for them and ensure their safety
  • ensure that all children are well taught, so they achieve the best possible academic results
  • help all children to develop a sense of personal responsibility and an awareness of the importance of being considerate and caring towards other
  • provide an educational service that meets the individual needs of all children within the school community
  • keep parents regularly informed about their child’s progress and about all aspects of school life
  • be welcoming always and offer parents the opportunity to become involved in the daily life of the school
  • promote physical fitness and an awareness of the importance of personal hygiene, exercise, and diet
  • develop in each child an understanding, appreciation and respect for different religions, beliefs, and moral values. Through the development of tolerance and mutual understanding we seek to prepare children for living in a multi-cultural society
  • provide children with a broad and varied educational experience which incorporates the National Curriculum and fully embraces physical education, the arts and music
  • look for opportunities to instil within children the core
  • provide high quality teaching and support by means of a rich and innovative curriculum, taking account of the children’s individual needs
  • encourage children to be self-motivated and enthusiastic learners
  • challenge and support all children to reach their full potential
  • explain to children how they are progressing in their learning and what they need to do to improve their learning
  • show children how to develop a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-esteem by emphasising that they are each unique and valued
  • show children how to be thoughtful, kind, caring and to speak politely to all children and adults
  • encourage children to understand their role in the wider community
  • communicate effectively with parents about general school issues, work done in school and the progress of their child
  • listen openly to children's/parents' problems and concerns connected with schoolwork or relationships
  • promote good attendance and punctuality
  • help pupils to recognise and protect themselves from online abuse or bullying and misuse of social media


Our values are an integral part of our school culture.  Twice a term we take one value as the topic of a special assembly.  Each week staff are asked to nominate children who, in their opinion, demonstrate that value in school.  These nominated children go onto receive the weekly value certificate within our celebration assembly, infront of their parents. Their photograph then goes onto a board in the entrance of school. We hope that this approach allows our children to think deeply about each value and embed it into their own behaviour which then contributes to the culture of the school as a whole

In school we have 7 core values that all staff, pupils, stakeholders are expected to uphold. They are Resilience, Aspiration, Pride, Positivity, Empathy, Respect and Safety

Responsibilities of parents/carers

As a parent/carer I will:

  • ensure my child comes to school every day, on time and prepared for learning
  • ensure my child attends school in term time unless they are ill
  • ensure my child is wearing clothing in line with school uniform recommendations.
  • collect my child punctually, and advise the school if I am going to be late or if there is a change to the pickup arrangements at the end of the day
  • keep the school informed of any changes in circumstances (i.e. address, phone number, emergency contacts etc.)
  • regularly read information on the website, school newsletter and Seesaw APP
  • inform the school of any issues which might affect their child's work or behaviour
  • encourage good behaviour, politeness, self-respect and respect for others and their property
  • encourage my child's learning in all areas of life and support them with their homework
  • support school ethos and ways of working
  • attend parents' consultation meetings and support school activities wherever possible · support school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at home.
  • ensure careful and considerate parking at the school entrances and respect safety regulations on school premises

Responsibilities of the Child

As a pupil I will:

  • show kindness, consideration, and respect to all
  • be ready and willing to learn and do my best
  • listen to others and to follow instructions
  • follow the school rules of ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe’.
  • take good care of the building, equipment, and school grounds,
  • reflect on my behaviour and learning and learn from all experiences,
  • make every effort to complete home tasks on time and to the best of my ability
  • tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy


We expect that all stakeholders buy into these values and uphold them at Wood Lane Primary School and in the community. We ask parents to ensure they share the Home School Agreement with their child/ren, and we will also discuss this in school.