School Dinners

At Wood Lane Primary School, our hot dinners are cooked on site by our Catering Manager, Mr Buckley. We have a catering contract with School Food United, who provide us with our kitchen service. 

The charge for a school, hot cooked meal and pudding is £2.75, per day. 

All children in Reception to Year 2 receive a Universal Free School Meal (UFSM), regardless of whether you are in receipt of government benefits. This is a scheme which was introduced by the government several years back.

Year 3-6

Your child may also be eligible for 'Free School Meals' (Pupil Premium) if you are in receipt of certain benefits.  If you think you qualify please speak to the school office and we will provide a form for you to complete.

All school lunches are to be paid for using our catering company, Alliance in Partnership's online portal 'School Food United' where you can select your child's meals for weeks in advance.  The billing for meals is done by the company itself and not the school itself. Meals should be preordered for the day you wish your child to have a lunch. 

If your child has a food allergy or intolerance, please notify the school as soon as possible (induction to the school if a new pupil) and this information will be pass on to Mr. Buckley and the catering company. On receipt of medical evidence, the catering team will be able to provide a personal diet plan for your child (the school will also create a Health, Care Plan). Failure to provide the evidence, will unfortunately result in the catering company being unable to provide a meal for your child.

If children do not have a school, they can bring a packed lunch from home. We ask that it provides a balanced/healthy meal that contains no nuts and mustard, for allergy reasons.

Dinner Menu awaiting content

PaymentCashless system for School Food United help leaflet

Frequently asked questions

School Food United - App Launch - Letter to Parents